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Update on submitting your verification documents.

Published: Wednesday 13 November 2024

In general, we will only accept verification documents submitted via the upload facility which is available when logged into your Property Pool Plus account. Please click here for a step by step guide on how to upload your documents. 

  • If you are unable to submit your documents via the upload facility, you can email or post copies of the documents to the organisation who manages your application, but you must include notification that the documents cannot be uploaded and include the reason for this. Without this notification your documents will not be processed and they will be securely disposed. If you do post documents to your administrator please do not send original documents, only send copies as we cannot guarantee that originals will be returned to you. Please visit the Contact Us page for the contact details of the organisation who manages your application.
  • Please note, documentation will not be accepted by email or post due to lost or forgotten account login details. If you are unable to locate these details you can retrieve them via the login page on the website as long as you have an email address linked to your account and you have access to this email account, otherwise contact the organisation who manages your application to request assistance with resetting your login detail. Please visit the Contact Us page for the contact details of the organisation who manages your application.
  • Documents being submitted by a third party or support service in support of a Property Pool Plus applicant can be accepted by email. Please visit the Contact Us page for the email address of the organisation who manages the application.

New Extra Care Scheme in Knowsley

Published: Wednesday 3 July 2024

A new Extra Care scheme has recently opened in Knowsley and is now open to applications. Arncliffe Gardens in Halewood is for Knowsley residents predominantly aged 55 years and over. All applicants are required to be assessed by Adult Social Care as per Knowsley Council's Extra Care Allocation Policy, which can be read here

For any enquiries and information on how to apply, please email